Gluten-Free Lemon Sole with Tender Root Vegetables

Updated: May 16, 2023

Servings: 25

Cooking Method: Oven

Gluten-Free Lemon Sole with Tender Root Vegetables


25 pcs Toppits Gluten-Free Lemon Pepper Sole Fillets

3 lb heirloom carrots, peeled, cut in quarters

3 lb parsnips, peeled, cut in quarters

2 lb sweet potatoes, peeled, cut to size as other vegetables

2-4 sprigs of thyme

200 ml olive oil

Salt, to taste

Maple Syrup Vinaigrette Ingredients

500 ml balsamic vinegar

250 gr maple syrup

8 tsp Dijon mustard

1 L olive oil

Salt & Pepper, to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F

2. To prepare the root vegetables, place all cut and peeled vegetables into a bowl and toss with olive oil and thyme. Place all vegetables on a baking sheet and cook for about 20-30 min, turning vegetables once or twice to prevent sticking.

3. Combine all vinaigrette ingredients in a large bowl and mix with a hand-held immersion blender. Season to taste with salt & pepper and set aside in a container. Do not refrigerate to prevent oil from solidifying.

4. Once vegetables are cooked, remove from the oven and cool off for a few minutes. Then, drizzle the vinaigrette over the vegetables while they still slightly warm and allow to sit and marinate in the vinaigrette for about 10 min.

5. Cook Toppits Gluten-Free Lemon Pepper Sole Fillets according to package instructions.

6. When the fish is almost cooked, warm up the vegetables before serving.

7. To plate, place 5 oz of the vegetable mixture on a plate, and one Toppits Lemon Pepper Sole Fillet. Garnish with fresh herbs as desired.